23 February 2024
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – The representative of the Ethiopian Navy, Rear Admiral Nasir Abadga, said that the navy is carrying out its mission “in any place and time and is playing a major role in strengthening the country’s honor by taking countermeasures against anti-peace forces.”
According to Defense Force information; The general officer stated that the navy and army members are more prepared than usual.
Rear Admiral Nasser said that the defense force “is a peace force that gives its life for the peace of the country and the people, and lives together with the people.”
He added that Navy members should do their part in all activities to ensure the transfer of knowledge and technology by keeping themselves away from “rumors that scatter the country and disturb the people”.
He explained that the army had carried out its national and constitutional mission in a “deplorable way” and had “made his people proud and made his enemies suffer” with his sacrifice. “We, the members of the Baha’i Force, must prepare ourselves to carry out any duty that is given to us,” he stressed